
Milford On Sea

How is your membership fee spent?

We pay the Third Age Trust £4 for Trust membership subscription for each member. We also pay £1 per current member for use of the Beacon management system. The Trust provides us with detailed support and guidance, legal and charity law advice, appropriate insurance and gives each member access to extensive learning resources.

Among regular expenses are hall hire for the monthly meetings, and expenses paid to speakers at these meetings. Other costs include supporting study groups and producing the regular newsletter.

Monthly meetings (room hire, teas and coffees, speaker fees) cost approximately £3000 per annum.

Some of the subscription income is allocated toward costs such as postage, photocopying, travel to network meetings, area and National Conference and other similar expenses incurred by Officers, Executive Committee members and others in helping to run the Milford on Sea u3a.

Third Age Trust magazine

If you choose to receive the Third Age Matters magazine you will pay an additional £3.80. This covers 5 editions sent to your home address. This cost is not included in the membership fee.

Website Hosting Fee

Our website has been modernised to use WordPress. There will be a hosting service fee of £50 per annum starting January 2025.