
Milford On Sea

Risk Assessment

Members taking part in all group activities are reminded that they do so at their own risk.

Groups are always obliged to have a risk assessment in place, so our activities are as safe as possible, and Group Contacts and members are covered by u3a insurance. It is your responsibility to take note of any risks and also be aware of any risks that may be personal to you in terms of your health or disability. Please speak to the Group Contact if you have any queries.

Risk Assessment for Public Venues from June 2024 onwards

These venues have been checked for The Bridge Main HallThe Bridge Youth RoomBeach HouseLazy LionSouth LawnRays ItalianPrimary School
Accessibility & Parking✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Public car park, steps to enter✔️
Fire escapes and all procedures signposted✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Adequate and accessible toilets✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Food hygiene ratings displayed✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️N/A
Accident procedures: First aid box and support at reception✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️Group contact has first aid box
Click on the venue name on the top row for a list of groups that meet at the venue. Then click on the group to see the group details including the Group Contact Person.

Risk Assessment for Members' Homes from June 2024 onwards

Your Group Contacts, or host for specific meetings, are likely to be aware of the needs of the members of their groups. However, it is your responsibility to alert the Contact for your group if you have a particular need. We recognise that this may change from time to time.

Members should be aware of symptoms of illnesses which may be circulating. Please consider other members who may have health vulnerabilities when making decisions about attending.

In general, Group Contacts have taken the following points into consideration:

  • Accessibility. Would a group member with mobility issues have a difficulty?
  • Can members park nearby?
  • Are there any potential hazards? (e.g., steep steps, dog etc.) These may change from time to time
  • Are there any risks specific to your activity? If yes, the members will be alerted by email.

To view a list of groups that meet at members' homes, click the link:

:Members’ Homes List

Select a group from the list to see the groups that meet at members’ homes. Then click on the group to see the details, including the Group Contact Person.

Groups that hold Meetings and go on Site Visits

Meetings will be held at one of the public venues listed above

Meetings and Site Visits List Select a group from the list to see the group details, including the Group Contact Person.

Groups that visit Various Venues

Various Venues List Click on the venue for a list of groups that meet at the venue. Then click on the group to see the group details including the Group Contact Person.

The member arranging the visit will notify the group of any specific risks.

Groups that Meet Outside

Click below to see the list of groups that meet outside at various venues throughout the year.

Groups that Meet Outside

The member arranging the activity will notify the group of any specific risks.

Accident Report Form